Hommage À Xenakis

Type: electro-acoustic

Year: 2016

Premiere: Insight series, 4th June, 2016, Smock Alley Theatre with lighting design by Slipdraft.

Duration: 7’

Fixed media acousmatic work

This work was very much influenced by the Greek-French composer Iannis Xenakis. I approached the piece in a physical manner, initially sketching it in terms of line and shape. Three distinct sections emerge from this plan, however, a continuous line works its way through the piece from the low rolling bass sounds at the beginning to the undulating strands at the end. It is in a musique concrete style, using a combination of synthesized elements and recordings of jetplanes, amongst other things as the base material.

Photo above: Iannis Xenakis

Accompanying photos: by Ste Murray
